By David Nimon
Linux app for using source ports with Steam and additional game focused research.
- Older games that have been released on steam can include out-of-date binaries which can be difficult to run on newer systems. This project allows for Linux users to download better versions of the application part of the game, using source ports that expand on the original game source code, without having to go through manual steps.
- Involves maintenance of an open source project, which was forked from an inactive project.
- The project includes a user interface and a repository of build scripts for the various ports
- The user interface is built in Rust, which shows the user the available ports, then automatically downloads the latest version, configures, and launches it
- Created bash scripts for building the ports. These scripts handle downloading the source code from git repositories, building & configuring any dependencies, then configuring build tools, such as CMake or make, to build the port
- Created GitHub CI Actions to automatically build the UI and port projects when a pull request or commit is pushed. The CI process will then create GitHub releases for storing the build artifact
- Handled issues and pull requests from users of the project
- The latest version of the application has been downloaded over 2000 times
- Contributed a pull request to the egui project for a new feature
- Contributed additional pull requests to a game engine project, to improve the handling of the window and mouse on Linux
- May access the GitHub project here